I kissed Ana, gently, and hated that I had to walk away from her naked body. I hated that I had to get dressed. But this was a big deal. I had to get my mind straight.
I started to turn and Ana grabbed at my leg.
“Yeah, darlin’?” I asked.
“Can you be late?”
“I don’t have a punch clock,” I said.
Her hand slipped forward and she touched my throbbing cock. Her fingers teased all the way to the tip. As she squeezed, she bit her lip again. I turned to face her again. Being late to chapel wasn’t the worst thing in the world, but I’d take some serious hell for it.
I started to move my right hand, really thinking about stopping Ana, promising I’d make it up to her later.
Then she started to drop down to her knees.
I sucked in breath and watched as her sweet lips came forward and kissed my dick. Her tongue licked the bottom of my shaft. She put her head back and swallowed hard.
“Aw, darlin’,” I said.
She grabbed the bottom of my shaft and held me. Her mouth then started to move over my cock.
I was going to be late… and it was fucking worth it.
His two fingers twisted inside of me. He curled them and pulled, bringing a deep tingling sensation that made me feel like I was going to be paralyzed and pee myself at the same time. All I could do was thrust my hips up at him, my body aching for release. It felt so fucking good being in his presence and feeling his touch. Not to mention the way he hovered over my bed as he wore his Reaper’s Bastards leather cut. He was the giant monster I should have been afraid of, but this wasn’t some little girl fairy tale.
This was a woman’s fantasy.
And Knox was all mine.
His left hand dug into my hair as my left hand clutched the bed sheets, my right hand holding tight to his leather cut.
My pants and panties were down to my knees.
His zipper was undone and his massive cock jutted out like a third leg.
I hurried to reach for him with my left hand, trying to stroke him.
“Hurry, darlin’,” he whispered as our cheeks touched and we both looked down at the sight before our eyes.
The lower half of my body bucked up off the bed as he plunged his fingers back into me.
Oh, never in my life had I wanted to be fucked so badly than I did right then. The only problem was that it was the middle of the night. As pathetic as it sounded, I was in my early twenties and had to skip having sex because I feared waking my mother who was in the next room. I knew damn well that Knox couldn’t take it easy when it came to fucking. He would have pounded me so hard that the headboard would have been beating against the wall like a hammer.
So I gripped the head of his cock tight and squeezed.
He twisted his fingers again and I felt myself ready to explode. Then he pressed his thumb against my clit and that was all I could manage. I sucked in a breath and crunched forward, trying to hold back a scream. I looked at Knox, desperate to really let go. He knew just what to do.
He kissed me.
Our mouths open wide, kissing, and I was finally able to moan.
I rocked hard against his fingers as I came, holding onto his dick like a rail for balance.
My ass jumped up and bounced back down a few times.
Then I went limp, right there in my bed, gasping for air. My hand was still holding his cock though. So I started to jerk him off. I knew a man like Knox wanted more and I would have given him everything. I started to sit up but he put a hand to my shoulder and shook his head.
“Right there, darlin’,” he whispered. “Stay right there.”
So I did.
I laid back on the bed, my hand stroking his amazing cock. It was torturous yet beautiful at the same time. Watching the look on his face. The ways his lip curled when I touched the root of his dick. The way he thrust at me when I scaled all the way to his tip.
When a clear liquid seeped from his tip, I licked my lips, desperate to taste him.
I looked into his eyes, seeking approval.
He was my outlaw, I was his darlin’. I loved every second of it.
Knox pulled at the back of my head. “Go ahead, darlin’. Taste.”
I lunged forward as though I hadn’t had a drop to drink in days.
The tip of my tongue curled and ran along the clear liquid. I lapped up his pre-cum and then crashed back to the bed.
My toes curled and between my legs, I was still a throbbing mess.
And speaking of throbbing…
I felt Knox’s dick filling even more. An impossibly big dick and it got even bigger right before he came.
He reached with his right hand and lifted up my shirt a little more. Just below my breasts.
He trailed his finger down to my belly button and grinned. “Right here, darlin’. That’s my target.”
My mouth fell open and I couldn’t speak.
He leaned over my bed and put both his hands to the wall. His body rocked back and forth as he started to fuck my hand.
It ran through my mind a million times.
Knox sucked in a deeper breath and when he exhaled, it was with a low, hungry growl.
His body jerked and the first spurt of cum splashed against my belly. The sudden warmth made me jump as I pulled at him, aiming it at me. The second spurt filled my belly button with ease. From there, my hand just pumped to the pulsing rhythm of his cock. I had never seen so much cum in my life. It oozed down each side of my body, warm and tickling. When I took deep breaths, it poured out of my belly button.
My hand was smothered and sticky.
I squeezed at the head of his cock a few more times, making sure there was nothing to waste.
Knox looked down at me as he leaned over the bed. “Goddamn, darlin’. I never do that. Not with a sweet pussy between your legs or that fucking mouth of yours. But, goddamn, that was good.”
I took my hand away and placed it to my stomach. I was a mess of sex.
He slowly reached down and dipped his middle finger into the pool of jizz in my belly button. When he took his finger away, I had no idea what he was doing.
Until he placed his finger to my lips. I opened my mouth and licked the salty reward from his finger. My pussy ached and I felt myself thrust, unable to control my needs.
“Aw, darlin’,” he whispered. “You’re not finished all the way yet.”
Before I could say a word, Knox dipped that same middle finger between my legs, finding my tender clit.
I gasped and jumped up, his cum pouring down my body. “Shit. Knox.”
A second later, his phone started to beep.
“Fuck,” he growled.
He grabbed the phone and gritted his teeth, curling his lip.
“I have to ride, darlin’,” he said. “That was my old man. He needs me. Something went bad at a drop. King and Slam are in a pinch and they need me.”
I grabbed his wrist, ready to plead my life to him. But I saw it in his eyes. In the matter of a few seconds he went from wild sex to wild outlaw.
He hooked his pointer finger to my pussy and sank it deep in me just once. When he pulled it away, he brought his finger to his mouth and licked.
“That’s going to keep me going all fucking night, Ana,” he said. “I’ll be back in the daylight for some breakfast.”
Knox kissed my forehead, then my nose.
He left me quivering and lingering. It was so bad that I clutched the sheets with both hands, not sure whether to scream or cry.
My outlaw had left to do his thing and that meant I didn’t know if he would come back alive.
And me… being Knox’s darlin’… I cleaned up and waited by the window for him to come back.
I hated we never had a date. I hated nothing about us was normal.
But all that hate slipped aw
ay each time I saw him.
I told myself I’d love him forever - no matter what.
The memory crashed into me hard. For such a long time Knox and me bounced back and forth between something serious and just two people fooling around. It was hard to train my heart to believe we were just fooling around because when I looked into his eyes, I felt something. And I knew he did too.
Knox and I never got a chance to go out like a real couple. It was just like before. Not that I mind what he did to my body but then he always seemed to have to go because of the club.
Even when I dropped to my knees and sucked his beautiful cock until there was nothing left to come out, he still had to go. I knew that though. I wasn’t sucking him off to keep him from the Reap. I knew what the life was.
That didn’t mean it didn’t bother me when he’d leave. Watching him go and knowing that each day was another one closer to the day he wouldn’t come back. Plus, he’d started a war with the family. For as close as I had been with Porter, I never got to meet higher up than Porter’s direct boss, Johnny. And even that guy wasn’t all that powerful.
All I could do was trust in Knox and the Reaper’s Bastards.
That took a lot out of me though.
I was feeling tired, sluggish, completely drained. Well, physically drained because of what Knox was doing to me. We were seriously making up on lost time with so much sex. I had so much of him inside me… between my legs, in my mouth, all over my body… I was coated inside and out with Knox’s cum.
And I loved it… no matter how dirty it sounded or made me.
I was his darlin’ and he was my outlaw. Just like before.
Mentally, I was shot. Too much thinking and not enough answers. Knox warned me that thinking too much would make me sick. For him, if he thought too much, he’d end up dead. So I guess I’d take sickness over death.
As I stood in the shower, rinsing conditioner out of my hair, I felt my stomach do a double front flip. It was so strong, I lurched forward and coughed. Then I felt it… I spun around just in time to get sick right there in the shower. Right on my own damn toes too. I collapsed to my knees and my stomach emptied itself out.
A wicked nauseous feeling went through my body and I ended up sitting on my ass in the shower. The water pounded against my chest and ran down my body. I caught my breath and swallowed until my mouth stopped feeling so dry.
Slowly, I got to my feet and finished my shower.
I got dressed and looked in the mirror, wondering why I felt better. It was like a one-time throw up thing. So weird, right?
I opened the drawer to get my brush and saw the pregnancy test from Megan. The one she left behind. I paused for a second started to think about things. Being so wrapped up in Knox… I wasn’t on the pill or anything like that. I hadn’t taken that in probably a good year, if not longer.
And Knox…
I had no idea why it never hit me before, but it hit me right then.
I looked in the mirror and my face was bright red.
For weeks now I had been letting Knox inside me. Unprotected. Bare. Beautiful. Coming. Filling…
I ran out of the bathroom and to the calendar on the fridge. I put a little red x on the date when I’d get my monthly friend. I peeled back to the previous month and let out a gasp.
Not only had I had lots of unprotected sex with Knox and not only had I felt sick… I was late - like really late.
“Anthony and Tony work side by side,” Uncle Jakey said. “Tony has a thing for little tits on strippers and me and Hammer used to set up dates for him. Anthony is a hard-nosed prick who will get a blow job while counting cash and sucking on a fat cigar. They both report up to Vinny. Vinny is straight out of Reno. Bounced back and forth between California and Nevada with a few hideouts in Arizona, Colorado, and even Kansas, if shit got really bad. He set up a little house for his aunt with dementia. She was a nice woman, made a hell of a chocolate chip cookie. Not so much anymore.”
“What’s the point?” I asked.
Yeah, I know, I had gotten my dick sucked before leaving, good for me. But I wanted more than that with Ana. I wanted to surprise her with some flowers and a ride to the coast for something to eat and a night to ourselves. I looked like a damn fool with flowers on the back of my ride and all the guys made sure to break my balls about it.
“The point,” Uncle Jakey said, “is that when we meet Vinny, know who this guy is. He buries people. Literally.”
I reached into my leather cut and pulled out the piece of paper the old man had given me. “And we have this. The locations of a few of the biggest names in the family who went missing on Vinny’s rise to power. This would cause a major shit storm for them. This is our leverage.”
“Shit,” Matteo said. He sipped whiskey. “Shit, brother. This is wild.”
“Won’t they just dig up the bodies and move them?” Slam asked.
“Can’t,” I said. “There’s stuff built over the bodies. That means if we kick the can over… we’re talking major press in town.”
“That’s not good for us, Knoxville,” Uncle Jakey said.
“We won’t kick the can over,” I said. “This is just us showing our stance. That’s all. Reminding those around us that the Reap is alive and well. Which is why I want to do this alone.”
“What?” Uncle Jakey asked.
I put my hand up. “Give me a second here. Fuck. If we all show up, it’s going to cause issues. I want a one on one with this guy.”
“You know who I am?” Uncle Jakey asked.
He was a thick, worn out flannel shirt. His hands were permanently black from working on cars, trucks, and motorcycles for years. His hair was pulled back, grey. His beard to match. His was worn but his eyes were still a blue color.
I stood up, taking another defiant stance. “I’m wearing a Reaper’s Bastards cut. You’re not.”
“I’m acting President,” he said to me.
“You want to do this?”
“You want to find out about the guy that was hitting your old lady.”
I made a fist. I was ready to clock Uncle Jakey in the mouth. The son of a bitch would have taken out his gun and put a bullet in my head without thinking twice if I did that.
“I think Knox is right,” Slam said. “He’s the son of the President in prison. The former President, whatever the fuck Hammer is. You’re a background guy, Uncle Jakey. If Knox rolls up on his motorcycle, in his cut, with his fucking attitude and his blackmail, I think a clear message will be sent.”
“Is this what we all think?” Uncle Jakey asked as he addressed the table.
Man, we were a thin table for a full running MC. Too many empty chairs. Shit, all we needed was a case of cold beer, some room temperature whiskey, and a deck of cards and you’d never know the difference of it being a chapel meeting.
I guess you could have called it Uncle Jakey’s first vote with the gavel. Nobody gave a yay or nay, but everyone nodded in agreement.
“Fine,” Uncle Jakey said. “Ari, you ride with Knox. We always stick with two. That’s standard rule.”
“Fair enough,” I said. I looked to Ari and nodded.
He nodded back. He and I had our beefs in the past but we were tight like brothers. Fuck, what brothers didn’t throw down with some hard fists once in a while. We always joked and called it an Irish hug.
“There’s more,” Uncle Jakey said. He lifted the gavel and looked at it. Then he placed it down. “I’m not hitting this gavel on anything right now. As far as I’m concerned, you guys are nothing but crazed outlaws looking for action. Knox, you get yourself into trouble out there and I won’t back you up. Hear that loud. You’re going to kick up dust for some old pussy, that’s your deal.”
“I can live with that,” I said. “But this goes beyond Ana. Way beyond Ana.”
“Sure,” Uncle Jak
ey said. “I’m going to go to the titty bar. Find some chick with the saddest, deadest eyes ever. Then I’m going to blow bubbles into her tits until I turn purple.”
That’s how chapel came to an end.
The door shut after Uncle Jakey left.
“Our leader,” I said with a grin.
“It’s not the worst way to spend your day,” Elijah said. “You could be King. Sitting in a cell, waiting for your last day.”
“King,” I whispered.
Damn, like I needed that little ping to heart.
I glanced at Ari again and he gave another nod.
It was time to ride.
My entire future hung in the balance.
“I’m good,” Hammer said and pushed away the white mountain of coke.
“Suit. Yourself.”
A guy named Larry Tool was wide eyed and smiling as his took another snort of his own stuff. He told me he could sell it for days because all he needed were his customers to see how he reacted to taking it.
Larry turned to me and I denied the offer.
I was sitting at a round table with some of the Reap, a lot of Larry’s crew, and a potential customer. The customer was a group of men looking to move Larry’s magical powder into a more southern region and they needed our help to make sure it got there safely. That meant making sure the local PD was on board with the move, and it meant to have a line of protection from other crews, MCs, and gangs along the way.
Hammer was the best at it. I got to learn from the best. And I came from the best.
The old man folded his hands and said, “We can get this going anytime you’re ready.”
“Ah, Hammer,” Larry said. He grabbed the old man’s shoulder. “I fucking love you. If you had a set of tits and a slit, I’d fuck you.”
“Good to know,” the old man said. He looked at me.
Now it was my turn to shine. “We’ve got a route that’s not normally used. It’ll take a little more time but we’ve got it covered. We have two groups of our guys go on a ride. One is a diversion. One is your protection. The diversion is going to stir up some trouble, keeping all eyes on them. The shipment will be moved in regular old piece of shit cars, trucks, whatever. A little in each. So nothing brings attention.”