HARD KNOX Read online

Page 11

Porter then looked at me. “That’s what you want, Ana? You run off to this asshole to cry about your mistakes?”

  “She didn’t do anything wrong,” Knox said. “No woman deserves to get hit. Ever.”

  “Oh, please,” Porter said. “Sometimes a woman needs a good beating.”

  I honestly stepped forward, ready to take my life into my hands to get a shot at Porter. Talk about the nastiest thing I’d ever heard someone say.

  Before I could do that though, Knox sprung to action.

  He swung a fist and clocked Porter in the jaw. It was a risky move because Porter had a gun and so did his guys.

  Knox grabbed Porter’s arm, twisted it, forcing him to drop the gun. Then Knox kicked the gun out of reach. He grabbed the back of Porter’s shirt and pulled him in. I’d never seen anyone touch Porter let alone punch him and manhandle him like Knox did.

  Both of Porter’s guys were ready to kill Knox.

  What was he thinking?

  I had my answer when I saw two lumbering men appear from the side of the road. They had been hiding behind a thick patch of brush.

  It was Matteo and Slam, two of Knox’s closest friends.

  They were like beasts as they charged up behind Porter’s two guys.

  In a matter of a few seconds the guys dropped their guns and were on their hands and knees, guns pointed at them from Matteo and Slam.

  I muttered two words.

  “Holy shit.”

  It was all I had. Knox had outsmarted Porter and now bad things were about to happen.

  “Knox,” I said.

  He looked back at me, his face like nothing I’d seen before.

  “Darlin’,” he said.

  “Don’t kill him,” I said.

  Knox grinned.

  Foolish me, right?

  If Knox wanted Porter dead, he’d be dead by then.

  I knew what Knox wanted to do.

  I told myself to look away. But I couldn’t. Porter was going to get punished for what he did to me.

  I had to watch.

  Knox spun Porter around and punched him again. Porter stumbled back. He then came at Knox, taking a swing. Knox blocked the punch with ease and got Porter square in the nose. This time when Porter stumbled back Knox went after him. Two more hits and Porter fell to his ass.

  Knox wasn’t done yet.

  As Knox towered over Porter I feared what was going to happen next. I had been around and seen enough to understand how everything worked. My simple dream of having a house, paying bills, finding time for a romantic movie night, all that was shattered the day Knox’s sexy lips touched mine. Since then I had watched pain, violence, death, yet I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world to have a chance to be wrapped tight in my beautiful outlaw’s arms.

  That meant I had to stop Knox from killing Porter.

  The war had started already but I was going to keep it from ending all our lives.

  At least I hoped.

  Knox got down on one knee but he wasn’t proposing to me or anyone else.

  His left knee was on the ground. He lifted Porter up by the shirt with his left hand. His right hand cocked back in a tight fist.

  It was like everything moved in slow motion.

  The truth was that I wanted to see Porter hurt. What Knox had seen on my face was hardly the first time something of that nature happened with Porter. I had become nothing less than a punching bag for him. He would hit me then fuck me.

  And I let it happen.

  I was mad at myself but the pain… in so many ways… was just my reminder that I was alive. And I always dreamed of some pathetic fairy tale where Knox would come save me before I got hurt again.

  “You ever touch her again and I will kill you,” Knox said to Porter. “You tell your fucking family to keep to their shit and we’ll keep to ours. The Reaper’s Bastards own this town and everything in it. You need something, you set up a meeting with me. My cut says enforcer but after today I’m VP of the club…”

  That stopped me in my tracks.

  VP? Knoxville… as VP?

  That was pretty big.

  Knox came crashing down with the fist to Porter’s face. He loaded back again and punched again. Porter clawed at Knox’s arms and face but there was nothing he could do. The lion versus the gazelle and there was no escape.

  Not until I stepped up behind Knox and put a hand to his shoulder.

  He froze instantly and looked back at me. My eyes filled with tears. Why?

  In one word: everything.

  All the years of emotion building and collapsing around me.

  Knox saw my tears and stood and turned. His hands grabbed my waist and he stared at me.

  “Is it true?” I asked. “VP?”

  “Yeah,” he said. “Nothing is set in stone yet. It’s all fucked up. The Reap is alive. We’re here. I’m tired of this, darlin’. I told you that. This piece of shit on the ground will never bother you again.”

  I looked down at Porter. He had one hand on the ground and wiped his face with the other. Our eyes met and there was no feeling. There was probably never any true feelings there anyway. He was just the temporary bad boy fix until my hands could get back on Knox’s body.

  Was that wrong? Probably. But I didn’t care.

  “Never again,” I said to Porter.

  Then I spit at him.

  It felt good to spit at him.

  “Disarm these fucks,” Knox shouted to Matteo and Ari. “Then put them in the trunk of the car.” He looked down at Porter. “Try and come back at me for this. I dare you. You and I both know this was personal. Don’t bring anything else into it. Ana is my girl and will be for the rest of my life.”

  “That won’t be long you fucking rat piece of shit,” Porter said.

  Knox started to laugh. It was sort of scary to see him laugh in such a situation. He then said, “Tell your Captain to give me a shout. I have something that might be of his interest.”

  Knox turned and put his arm around me. As he motioned to his motorcycle I heard the sound of Matteo and Ari as they started to jack up the two bodyguards that had tried to get me. The thuds and groans didn’t bother, which made me wonder if I was just as messed up as Knox.

  He handed me his helmet and smiled. That smile was like waking up to a sunrise over the beach. The way one side lifted higher than the other. The way his little dimples showed. The way he looked at me.

  “What about my car?” I asked.

  “I’ll call Liam to come tow it,” he said. “Don’t worry about anything, darlin’. We have nothing left to lose here, okay? It’s just us. Nothing complicated anymore.”

  He kissed me as one of the goons yelled in pain. Porter screamed something but I didn’t hear.

  We kissed and it felt like our first kiss.

  I wanted to believe Knox when he said we had nothing to lose and that it wouldn’t be complicated. The truth was that running with an outlaw… everything was complicated. And I had everything to lose.

  I had Knox to lose.

  Plus, one more…




  Her pussy was my drug. Her body was my addiction. Her fucking eyes were my soul.

  My tongue licked against the wet silk of her slit and I kept going up. She was on her hands and knees, face down on the bed, her ass high in the air. She had been wiggling it at me like she was waving the white flag, but we were far from calling this thing quits.

  Sorry, darlin’, you’re not done until I say you’re fucking done.

  I kissed her beautiful ass cheeks, one by one, my fingers then kneading into her skin, spreading everything wide open for my liking. Goddammit, looking at both her holes left me fucking hungry, thirsty, and made my cock fill up so much I thought I was going to shoot a load right there on the goddamn carpet of the room.

  It felt so good to be back in the clubhouse, back in my fucking room where I had called home for so long. Not to mention having my darlin’ with me. Be
ing able to wake up and have her in my arms made me feel more like a man, if that made sense at all.

  But fuck that romance shit for a second.

  I was staring at a dripping pussy and a puckering ass.

  I wasn’t done drinking her sweet nectar yet.

  I made a quick move and spun around and sat on the floor next to the bed. I grabbed at Ana’s hips and pulled her off the bed, lining that pussy up to my ravenous mouth. She let out a whimper cry and stood there, staring down at me.

  It was like she was in shock for a few seconds.

  I took care of that.

  I grabbed the back of her knees and forced them to the bed. That brought her right to me. Then I slipped up to her ass again and held her there, feasting on her.

  Her clit and my tongue were in a battle where we both would outcome as winners. I flicked up, down, left, right, writing her the most erotic love letter possible. And in return she came all over me. One hand grabbing my hair, the other grabbing the bed for balance, Ana leaned forward and started to cry my name.

  Her love letter to me was one word: Knox.

  And that was fucking fine by me.

  She ground herself against my willing tongue. I felt the stubble on her mound rubbing against me. The insane heat. No air to breathe. The warm gush of her pussy over and over.

  My dick stood like a fucking flagpole. I dug my fingers into her ass even harder, resisting the urge to grab my cock and jerk off.

  Shit, I was already halfway to coming and Ana hadn’t touched me yet.

  Her knees finally buckled and she slid down me.

  I felt her hot lips touch my chin, my chest, leaving a wet streak down my body.

  I eased her down until the head of my cock touched her slit.

  She quickly gasped and looked at me with eyes that begged for a break… but a flicker that begged for more.

  “Not yet, darlin’,” I whispered to her.

  I pulled at her, feeling her wet cunt welcome me again.

  Ana let out a desperate cry and tried to lift up. I let her go, moving away from my dick. Her face turned eight shades of red, she bit her lip, and then she eased back down on me. This time she took all of me.

  My hands grabbed at her hips and I thrust up, making sure every depth of her sweet slit was fully explored by me.

  Her hands slithered around to my hair and she threw her head back, letting herself scream of my name.


  The x’s came off her tongue like fucking music.

  Her tits were in my face and I made damn sure to give them attention.

  Her nipples were delicious and she loved when I used the tip of my tongue to trace circles around them. The faster I moved, the more her hips bucked at me.

  We fucked like tomorrow was never going to come.

  Hell, when you run outlaw, that’s always a fucking possibility.

  My hands rested under her thick thighs and I guided her up and down. I put my head back and enjoyed the fucking beautiful show as she rode my cock, her tits bouncing, the helpless moans as she started to come for the second time. She did amazing, moving up and down, but then she lost her legs for a few seconds. Collapsing down on my cock didn’t help her body achieve any sense of relief from me, but it felt fucking good. She fell forward, face down, letting out the sweetest whimpers I’d ever heard on a woman in my life. Her hips kept rocking forward and back, battling against my cock as though it would get smaller or she’d find more room.

  Not a fucking chance, darlin’.

  I grabbed her lower back and kept her right there.

  Those whimpers continued and it was driving me fucking insane.

  “Darlin’, I love you,” I said out of nowhere.

  “Oh, Knox,” Ana purred. “I love you so much… it’s so good… oh Knox… please come in me…”

  That was good enough for me. I bent my knees and started to stand.

  I was buried inside her as I stood up and turned. We had a bed next to us the entire time but ended up on the fucking floor. What can I say? When I wanted Ana, I took her. My body took control of my mind. Our history played out every second I lived and I didn’t want a second to waste worrying about anything but tasting her and having her.

  I placed Ana on the bed and she grabbed at my hair, pulling at me.

  I kissed her first and started to fuck her again second.

  Slow and powerful thrusts, taking myself out of her and slamming it right back in.

  The way we kissed though…

  The way my chest was just close enough to feel her nipples touching mine…

  The way she groaned while kissing me…

  Fuck, the way it made my stomach feel when we were kissing…


  I realized right then I was making love to Ana. I had moved beyond fucking her.

  I was loving her. Truly loving her.

  Her hands inched their way to my back again, nails digging at me again. As she pulled, I thrust harder. My cock swelled up and I was ready to go. I grabbed the sheets on the bed and pulled away from the kiss. As I thrust, I pulled with my big shoulders, adding to my thrusts. That made Ana arch her back again.

  That’s when I started to come again.

  This time I was the one holding deep, rocking my hips, feeling my cum coat the inside of her body over and over. Pulsing and swelling, there wasn’t a drop to waste. My balls jumped over and over each time I came. I started to pull back, gently fucking her as she fucked back at me.

  My cock was empty but that was okay. I thrust back into her and lowered back down to her. We came together in a mix of sweat, sex, and a smile I’d never forget on her face. Strands of hair clung to her face as she stared at me. I could read her eyes for days. I swear on it.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked me.

  “How beautiful you are, darlin’. It’s all I think about.”


  “It’ll be fine,” I said.

  She nodded, swallowing hard.

  “Darlin’, do you trust me?” I asked.

  “Of course I do, Knox.”

  “Then there’s nothing to worry about.” I touched her face, loving the smell of our bodies together. The heat, sex… goddamn. “I’ll take care of you until my last breath.”

  Ana sighed with a purr. Her eyes looked misty for a few seconds. “Knox, I never thought this would happen.”

  “It’s happening… and will happen for the rest of our lives.”

  We gently kissed but it was like getting struck by lightning. I swore, every time I kissed my darlin’ it was like falling in love all over again.

  The quick jolt to my heart sent a quick jolt to my cock. I was already in Ana… and I was filling right back up.

  And I never was the kind of man to pass up an opportunity…

  I felt bad for her. She was still nervous about everything that had happened. It had been a lot in a month, but I had kept my promise to her. She was safe. Nothing else had happened to her. The Reap was in control of the town again, cruising around, taking favors as needed to show our strength and presence.

  Uncle Jakey was pissed at me for what I had done, but the second he took the head of the table and stroked the gavel like Ana to my dick, he settled right in. There were no real orders or commands, merely information being shared about our town, our city, and how we were going to stay alive, stay out of prison, and earn again.

  Trust me, we were all doing just fine on our own. Early investments in life had treated plenty of us well, but over the years, booze, pussy, lawyers, the outlaw life… it wasn’t exactly as free as TV shows and movies make it seem.

  Ana lived in a sense of fear that was slowly breaking apart. She was radiant and beautiful.

  I sat up in her bed and watched as she climbed out of bed. Staring at her from behind had me shaking my damn head. I couldn’t even imagine how beautiful she was. It was like if I blinked she would look different.

  But she didn’t.

  She got more
beautiful by the second.

  Her hair trailing down her back. Her shoulders and arms, shit I never gave a damn about before. The way her body made that hourglass shape, her hips rounded with my grips permanently in them. Her legs were a little thick, and all I could think about was her straddling my cock, pumping those legs up and down.

  She walked to the bathroom and I looked around the small bedroom.

  I didn’t like the apartment at all.

  I felt like we were too exposed. It was too risky.

  I didn’t like the idea of living in the clubhouse either. It was nice to have it as a hangout, but I wasn’t stupid. Ana forever fantasized about the house and white fence thing. I’d catch her talking about it when we were younger and the way her face would light up always made me smile.

  Somewhere in my heart I always wondered if I could give that to her. Maybe that’s what kept us apart too.

  Things were different now.

  I could…

  My phone started to ring, right on cue.

  I leaned over the bed and wrestled with my jeans.

  “Matteo,” I said.

  “Chapel,” he said “It’s big.”

  The call went dead.

  I turned and Ana appeared in the doorway to the bedroom, still naked.

  She reached up with one hand and bit her lip. She was a little shy still but she was trying to be seductive to me.

  I threw the covers off and got out of bed. My cock bounced and smacked off my leg, but only for a few seconds because it started to grow in size again.

  “Darlin’,” I said to Ana, “I have to go. Work related.”

  Her entire body posture changed. She closed her legs, put her arms at her sides, and realized the moment had come and gone.

  “Hey,” I said. “I’ll be back. You’ll be safe. No worries.”

  “I hate when this happens,” Ana whispered.

  I know she hated bringing up the past. I hated when she brought up the past. But I understood it. It was hard to just start over, clean slate. That was all bullshit. I watched my ma and old man go through enough clean slates to weigh down a dump truck. And in the end, my old man fucked women, my ma took off, and the house I called home stood on rotted boards, waiting to come down.